How Expert Opinion Letter may help you achieve your foreign goals

foreign goals

Each year 140,000 immigration visas are available for noncitizens who seek to immigrate to the U.S. on job skills. If you have the right skills, education, work experience you can have your goals of permanently living in the U.S. achieved.

The Issues

There will come some hindrances in the path of your goals. USCIS is quite stern while overlooking the application of petitioners who seek to work in the U.S. as it provides a great opportunity for a well-balanced life.

Looking from the officer’s point of you if they doubt that your education, work experience is not up to the mark for the position you filed in a given particular field of interest, they can send out Request For Evidence seeking additional documents proving that you fit for the profile.

Time matters

If you are being sent an RFE you must make it a priority to reply in time, here’s where our experts will come in handy also denial rates are increasing day by day, the time lost in delays can cost many dollars.

Why the RFE or denials?

They can be issued if you do not meet the USCIS criteria that you fit for the particular profile mainly due to:

  • Insufficient educational certificates, diplomas
  • Lack of support that your work experience doesn’t match the time interval and area as equivalent to U.S. academic gradings.

Types of Visas one can apply

If you plan to work and live permanently in the U.S. there are several options available. Some require you to already have a job offer, the employer in the U.S. will be your respective sponsor.

Some employers need to get a Labor Certification from the U.S. Department of Labor before submitting an immigration petition to USCIS.

If you apply based on classifications such as extraordinary ability or as nonimmigrant E-1, E-2, you are eligible to file your application.

Labor Certification: It highlights that there is a crunch of skilled and willing U.S. workers to fill up the particular position and that it won’t affect the rest of the same level employees in terms of wages and working conditions.

  • EB-1: If your case stands for or your area of expertise lands in extraordinary ability in science, arts, outstanding professors, managers, you need not get a Labor certification.
  • EB-2: If you are a member of professionals holding an advanced degree for a person with extraordinary ability in science, arts, and more such fields, you may need a Labor certification unless the applicant can obtain a national interest waiver (Labor Certification).
  • EB-3: These are reserved for skilled workers; professionals and you need a Labor Certification if you fall under this category.
  • EB-4: Special immigrants which include religious workers employees of U.S. foreign service posts, retired employees of international organizations, and you don’t need a Labor certification for this.

The Solution- Expert Opinion Letter

An Expert Opinion Letter addresses academic and employment experience qualifications which support your case how your position relates to your knowledge and abilities.

Here your case is made stronger than your qualification and educational qualifications are equivalent to the academic and abilities required for the position filled by you sponsored by the respective employer.

What’s Needed

  • Your academic documents like your degree, publications, transcripts, postgraduate degree, (work-related documents) – the name of companies, a period in previous companies in English and notarized.
  • Detailed resume specifying jobs held, Name of companies, jobs held, job duties, month/year of joining and leaving.
  • Supporting letters from previous employers specifying periods of employment, job titles, proving that you have valid work experience.

Why International Evaluations?

We have a wide variety of experts from executives, Ph.D. holders, professors, and more who have the best knowledge of how to present and analyze your case in the best way possible. Also, we cover a wide range of disciples from engineering, medicine, arts, fashion designing, and more.

Try and test yourself.



Picture of David Spangler
David Spangler

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